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Stay calm and teach on

June 11, 2013

Four Northern Gateway teachers teamed up to run the relay portion of the Fallen 4 Marathon* on June 2. Featured here, the team poses with medals for having completed the run. (Left to right) Heather Perry, teacher at Percy Baxter School, Whitecourt, joined Wendy Grande, Kristen Hughes and Sarah Rennie, teachers at Whitecourt Central School, to form the team Stay Calm and Teach On. Grande, Hughes and Rennie coach the Whitecourt Central School Running Club that saw 25 Central School students participate in the 5k Kids’ Run, June 1.
—Photo and story courtesy of Brent Northcott, assistant principal, Whitecourt Central School, Whitecourt

*The communities of Mayerthorpe and Whitecourt were devastated by the deaths of four RCMP officers on March 3, 2005—Constable Peter Schiemann, Constable Leo Johnston, Constable Anthony ­Gordon and Constable Brock Myrol. The Fallen 4 Marathon honours the sacrifice made by the police officers. A portion of the proceeds generated from this annual event is donated to the Mayerthorpe Fallen Four Memorial Society.

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